I'm a Washington, DC-based programmer with over 8 years of experience in open-source systems, backend, and frontend.

I've worked with companies like TigerBeetle and ZML to solve Zig systems programming problems. I worked for Sourcegraph as a software engineering intern on the Code Intelligence and Cody teams, covering topics ranging from compilers to protocols to fundamental abstractions.

I'm the creator and an ex-maintainer of the Zig Language Server, an open-source developer tool used by thousands of Zig programmers every day.

I spend my free time hacking on software I love, experimenting with different creative outlets like design, writing, and music, and hanging out with friends I've made in open-source.

I'm currently a freelancer and open to contracts and full-time work - reach out at auguste@augustera.me. You can also find me on GitHub, Twitter, and LinkedIn.